KAD high speed door installed in Hansol CNP Vina, Indonesia Corp. 021.2270.7372

KAD, Korea Auto Door
Indonesia Corporation

KAD high speed rolling door Indonesia has installed in Hansol CNP VINA(Vietnam Hanoi) which is a prominent chemical company in Korea.

In the photo blow the text, the workers are checking the basic type high speed door(KAD-2000). The high speed rolling door will replace PVC curtain and a hanger door as a main entrance. 

Due to its special manufacturing process of chemicals, the factory is very sensitive to substances from outside. Moreover, coated aluminum drums and guide rails of KAD high speed rolling door prevent the doors from oxidizing.

Interlock function strength the air tightness and cleanliness. We recommend the best combination through expert consulting.

KAD, Korea Auto Door
Pursuit of the Customer Satisfaction

Indonesia Corporation


  1. high speed doors is inreplacable thing if you want that your company and the product would have clean enviroment.


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